My work is about the changing landscape. This landscape consists of people of land, of criss-cross cultures, the clothes people wear, the way they live. There is no room for judgement; Just a fluid, ever shifting landscape. My painting starts with the European landscape that was relatively structured, evenly laid out, organized. And now people are moving. More and more new elements come in to create a different pattern, changing the landscape. Everything is unsettled. But if we look closely, we will find ourselves in that new landscape. The colors are different, but the element is the same. The same striving for love, family, survival, education, and for life to be settled. This is the time to embrace this new pattern, and create a new harmonious landscape, that is beautiful and colorful. A landscape that has been added to and never diminished.
REPEATED and SEPARATED 2015 2015 Environmental patterns of noise, color, people, architecture, fabric, smell culminate in developing the character of a place. Growing up in India, I was enveloped ardently all around with intense, sensory elements, repeated again and again, creating a juxtaposed pattern. The ever present sounds, the colors of the fabric, the disorganized streets, the smell of the spice, rain, food enveloped my senses with familiarity. The elements organized themselves in organic fashion. I moved to another part of the world. The environmental harmonies I was accustom to changed. My new surroundings had the same elements of people, noise, color, architecture and so forth, but it lacked the sensory aspect of a cacophonic, discordance. It was organized, muted and unadorned. The banal apartment blinds, organized streets, the rows of houses, perfect parkings spaces, perfectly trimmed lawns, created a confusion and contradictions between my understanding of my present surroundings and past. In my art, I explore the characteristics of these elements through patterns that are abstracted, but incorporates the subjective arrangement of the elements of my present environment. The patterns are repeated, yet they are separated. They are individuals. But together they represent cohesive unity which creates a new form of pattern. In the painting “News” we see, though each story is an individual, when put together, they repeat, and create a pattern of our society. In the lines in "Unity and individuality", each lines moves as an individual, overlap, yet are part of a bigger image, and create a pattern. “Freeway” is probably the best example as a representation of my understanding of the present space that I live in. The banal, freeway roads, without any distractions, wide, and yet filled with cars in rows, creates a feeling of insignificance and vacuum due to the visual monotony. Through my art I am embracing, and familiarizing this new space and creating new patterns, embracing structure, and filing with the color of the memories from my childhood.
My work is about the changing landscape. This landscape consists of people of land, of criss-cross cultures, the clothes people wear, the way they live. There is no room for judgement; Just a fluid, ever shifting landscape. My painting starts with the European landscape that was relatively structured, evenly laid out, organized. And now people are moving. More and more new elements come in to create a different pattern, changing the landscape. Everything is unsettled. But if we look closely, we will find ourselves in that new landscape. The colors are different, but the element is the same. The same striving for love, family, survival, education, and for life to be settled. This is the time to embrace this new pattern, and create a new harmonious landscape, that is beautiful and colorful. A landscape that has been added to and never diminished.
REPEATED and SEPARATED 2015 2015 Environmental patterns of noise, color, people, architecture, fabric, smell culminate in developing the character of a place. Growing up in India, I was enveloped ardently all around with intense, sensory elements, repeated again and again, creating a juxtaposed pattern. The ever present sounds, the colors of the fabric, the disorganized streets, the smell of the spice, rain, food enveloped my senses with familiarity. The elements organized themselves in organic fashion. I moved to another part of the world. The environmental harmonies I was accustom to changed. My new surroundings had the same elements of people, noise, color, architecture and so forth, but it lacked the sensory aspect of a cacophonic, discordance. It was organized, muted and unadorned. The banal apartment blinds, organized streets, the rows of houses, perfect parkings spaces, perfectly trimmed lawns, created a confusion and contradictions between my understanding of my present surroundings and past. In my art, I explore the characteristics of these elements through patterns that are abstracted, but incorporates the subjective arrangement of the elements of my present environment. The patterns are repeated, yet they are separated. They are individuals. But together they represent cohesive unity which creates a new form of pattern. In the painting “News” we see, though each story is an individual, when put together, they repeat, and create a pattern of our society. In the lines in "Unity and individuality", each lines moves as an individual, overlap, yet are part of a bigger image, and create a pattern. “Freeway” is probably the best example as a representation of my understanding of the present space that I live in. The banal, freeway roads, without any distractions, wide, and yet filled with cars in rows, creates a feeling of insignificance and vacuum due to the visual monotony. Through my art I am embracing, and familiarizing this new space and creating new patterns, embracing structure, and filing with the color of the memories from my childhood.